Educational use

Magnifying glass over dictionary entry of the word copyright

Using the educational licence

To ensure compliance with our educational licence, Library staff can assist with registration of digital copies.

Putting material online

Staff of educational institutions are permitted to reproduce and communicate portions of published literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works. This covers hard copy and digital reproduction and communication (e.g. placing online). This copying is done under the protection of the statutory licence agreement with Copyright Agency (CA). These copies are managed via the myReadings platform.

The educational copying provisions are subject to a number of conditions:

  • Limitations relating to the amount of material reproduced and/or communicated must be observed (i.e. the 10% or one-chapter guidelines).
  • All digital reproductions and communications must be registered with MyReadings, including items intended to be placed online as well as items distributed on CD or DVD.
  • Material made available online must only be accessible by SCU staff and students through MyReadings. Such material must never be placed on public websites - all protection is then lost.
  • Digital reproductions must carry warning notices and the source must be appropriately acknowledged.
  • Material may not be sold for profit; however cost recovery is permitted.
How much can I copy?

Staff can also use any amount of TV and radio broadcasts for the educational uses of the institution, subject to certain conditions.

  • Copies can be made in analog or digital form and can be placed online
  • Limitations relating to the amount of material reproduced and/or communicated must be observed
  • Such material must never be placed on public websites - all protection is then lost.

Such copying and communication is conducted under the statutory licence agreement with Screenrights.

Broadcast copies are managed via the Library subscription to ClickView.

Using DVDs, YouTube and Videos

Commercially-produced music can be copied and distributed to students under a commercial licence with the music societies in Australia that control the reproduction and performance of music. As with broadcast and text licences, such use is subject to licence conditions.

The music cannot be placed online for download, however, it can be streamed or distributed on CD.

Note also that this licence cannot be used to reproduce and distribute songs that you have purchased online under a personal contract (e.g. from iTunes).

Tertiary Music Agreement