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Erica Russ

BSocWk, GC AdvSocWk, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Associate Professor

Faculty of Health

07 5589 3167
Gold Coast Campus, Gold Coast
Erica Russ


Orchid ID



Having extensive social work industry experience with a focus on children and families I developed a strong commitment to children's rights and voice. Having also held management and senior executive positions, and leading large strategic projects I developed an interest in workforce issues and social work education.


My primary research focus is on the social work career path from social work education to workforce issues including readiness, wellbeing, and resilience. Research has included social work field education, child welfare, rural and eco-social work, and research that reflects children's voices. My research interests focus on collaborative research using qualitative methodology with an applied focus.

Community engagement

Team member for multiple contracted research projects including a joint project with Their Futures Matter initiatives and Family and Community Services NSW; Community Sector projects on staff wellbeing and disaster management; enhancing participation of children and young people; and service evaluation.


Co-supervisor for a PhD student. Previously been a principal supervisor for a PhD student and a completed MPhil Student. Available for supervision in areas of social work relevant to research focus.


Social work and community welfare field education are primary areas of teaching focus. I have taught a wide range of social work subjects including foundations of social work, social work practice, rural social work, case management, social work and the law, and human rights.


  • Member, Australian Association of Social Workers
  • Member, Australia and New Zealand Social Work and Welfare Education and Research
  • Member, European Social Work Research Association, Social Work Workforce Research Special Interest Group
  • Member, International Network of Cooperative Inquirers
  • Board member - The Family Centre

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