Daniel Harrison completed his Bachelor of Engineering (Civil), Masters in Engineering (Oceanography), and PhD (Biological Oceanography) at the University of Sydney where he also started his postdoctoral career. Prior to undertaking his PhD Daniel spent 2 years as a visiting scholar at the University of Southern California where he helped to develop tools to improve the use of oceanographic data in ecosystems based management of fisheries resources.
Other previous appointments include senior research fellow at the Sydney Institute of Marine Science, where Daniel concentrated on field and modelling studies of hydrodynamics and biogeochemical cycles in Sydney Harbour. In 2017 Daniel was awarded a prestigious Myer Innovation fellowship to develop the concept of using solar radiation management approaches for bleaching protection on the Great Barrier Reef. In 2019 Daniel Joined Southern Cross University as a Senior Lecturer and was appointed Sub-Program lead of the Cooling and Shading sub program within the Reef Restoration and Adaptation Program.
Daniel's research seeks to evaluate how engineering intervention in marine systems can be used to improve ecological, environmental, or societal outcomes. His work spans topics from estuarine and ocean biogeochemistry, fisheries management and habitat modelling, hydrodynamic and biogeochemical modelling, through to ecoengineering and geoengineering.
In his research he strives to undertake empirical field measurements and experimentation in order to understand natural system functioning, then extend this knowledge through computational modelling. By co-designing data collection around modelling needs, and the modelling approaches around insights from linked empirical study a robust platform is created on which to evaluate multiple scenarios and seek answers to the pressing 'what if' questions around our human interactions with the natural world.
- Member of the Australian Coral Reef Society
- Member of the Australian Marine Science Association
- Member of the American Geophysical Union