Isaac Santos is currently Professor of the National Marine Science Centre, Southern Cross University.
Professor Isaac Santos is an ARC Future Fellow working at the interface between coastal oceanography, hydrology, and geochemistry. He was awarded a Ph.D. from Florida State University (USA) in 2008, and has received awards for excellence in research, teaching and community engagement. His research focuses on greenhouse gas cycling and the use of natural radioactive tracers to investigate submarine groundwater discharge. Santos has obtained a total of 16 ARC grants worth almost $7 million to investigate groundwater issues and carbon cycling on the continental shelf, coastal wetlands, coral reefs, geothermal systems, rivers, estuaries, and beaches. His research relies on active international collaboration with projects completed on all continents (including Antarctica, but Africa). Santos is an associate editor for Estuaries and Coasts, Marine Chemistry, and Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, and has been a keynote speaker on a number of international conferences.